The AMA Masterfile:
Used by the pharmaceutical industry, medical publishers, continuing medical education providers, physician recruiters, and market researchers
Member/non-member database representing a total of 1.4 million physician records, including:
Sourced from over 2,300 data owners
135 million annual transactions are updated weekly
Data file matching capabilities – ME and NPI numbers
98% deliverability*
Up to 90% coverage with email addresses*
Target selections include:
Specialty: Primary, Secondary
Enhanced Specialty – HOS (Hospitalist); IC (interventional Cardiology)
Type of Practice Summary
Phone Number
Preferred Address Type
State/SCF/Zip Code
Ties to Location
Metro Trading Area
Population Level
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
ABMS Board Certification/Sub-certification
State of Birth
State of Licensure; Year of Licensure
State of Residency Training; Residency Program
Year Completed Residency Training (Transition Year)
State of Medical School; Medical School
* Office Based and Hospital Staff Physicians are 98% deliverable. In most instances it’s best to include an age restriction on your target audience. Resident data is collected by the AMA from the GME census and reporting Residency programs, best time to target Residents with direct mail campaigns, November 1st thru May 31st
** not AMA-PPD data