The Time is NOWW: Taking Control of Your Medical Email Marketing

We’re just weeks away from U.S. News & World Report’s annual “Best Rated Hospitals” survey. The time is NOWW to let MMS help you get your message delivered to key specialists, so you can improve your U.S. News & World Report ranking, enhance your national and regional reputation, and increase your brand awareness with physicians. The NOWW Platform from MMS revolutionizes provider engagement by putting HCP data and experience directly into your hands.

As the industry’s only cloud-based provider engagement platform providing 24/7 access to HCP data, email deployment, and reporting, it allows you to tailor your target, test campaign variables, execute multiple sends, measure your results, make adjustments, and repeat — all from your desktop. Here’s how:


1. Tailoring your Target Audience

It all begins with knowing and defining your audience. With NOWW, you can tailor, build, and precisely target your audience.

The NOWW Platform makes it easy to zoom in on high-potential prospects for email broadcasts and direct mail marketing — and its broadcast intelligence feature identifies where you can get your highest engagement.

Make it personal

Once you have your target audience defined, the NOWW Platform allows you to segment your lists so you can send targeted, relevant messages. Segments can be created based on:

  • Demographics

  • Profession

  • Specialty

  • Engagement metrics

  • Location

  • Other variables


2. Testing and Executing your Campaign

Now that you’ve identified and segmented your audience, it’s time to put your email broadcasts to the test. By using NOWW’s multivariate testing function, you can compare up to four variables at once (not just the A/B subject line) to identify the factors that contribute to the best results for your email campaign.

Get a sneak peek and put it to work

Want to ensure that your emails will look exactly how you want them to appear on every device? Use NOWW’s preview feature to inspect your emails in a variety of formats. In addition to testing your email’s appearance, you can use A/B splits to test variables such as subject line, content approach, and campaign cadence. NOWW’s advanced multivariate capability lets you test up to four options to determine the most effective version and cadence.

Create campaigns that reach your audience

Even the best-designed emails won’t make an impact if they’re not able to reach their targets. The NOWW Platform helps you maintain stellar inbox placement. It has deliverability monitoring, blacklist monitoring, bounce management, and other tools to maximize email deliverability and safeguard sender reputation. Leverage NOWW’s automated spell check, spam rating, and link test features to help avoid errors, high spam scores, and broken links that can hurt results and damage your brand.


3. Measuring Results

Once you’ve hit “send” and your email broadcasts are out in the world, it’s time to see how they’re performing in real-time. Once a broadcast/resend starts, The NOWW Platform will provide metrics around sending progression, along with any opens or clicks — right as it’s happening. In addition, NOWW lets you choose from a selection of Med-E-Mail analytics reports to track your success at the individual and aggregate levels, so you can repeat what’s working and pivot if necessary.

Deep dive into your data

Measure which variables perform best in real-time with the platform’s sophisticated reporting functions, including the new NOWW Platform’s broadcast intelligence tool. Get real-time stats and insights on all your broadcasts and campaigns. Track opens, clicks, unsubscribes, links, social sharing and more — all in a single, easy-to-customize dashboard.

Put flexibility at your fingertips

With its ability to build and precisely target your list, as well as its segmentation, automation and deliverability tools, the NOWW Platform is the fastest and most flexible way to manage and maximize your email broadcasts. MMS even offers unique 4 platform packages, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.


Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your brand awareness and

reputation with physician experts and key specialists. 

Take email marketing to the next level, NOWW.

Visit or Contact us to get started today.