Misconceptions About Physician and Healthcare Provider Data

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare marketing, physician and healthcare provider data plays a critical role in reaching the right audience. So critical that it’s almost the stuff of legends. And just like legends, several misconceptions around data actually cloud its true story.


In this blog, we’ll address the top 3 common misconceptions surrounding physician data and clear the air on what you can do to make sure your data is working for you.


Misconception #1:

The source of data doesn’t matter

Fact: It does. In fact, accurate and up-to-date physician data is paramount for successful marketing. That’s why, when it comes to reaching the right audience, choosing between compiled and primary source data can make the difference between a successful campaign and one that falls flat. But why?

Compiled data is a risky gamble

Compiled data, often sourced from many unknown origins, has inherent limitations. Inaccuracies, duplication, and outdated or irrelevant information are common issues with these datasets. The consequences can be severe and, ultimately, wasted marketing efforts.

The MMS advantage

MMS offers a superior solution: high-quality data sourced directly from the American Medical Association (AMA), the trusted voice of medicine for over 170 years. As the first AMA Database Licensee with a 95-year relationship, MMS offers the most accurate and current data on physicians, ensuring the highest level of credibility and eliminating the risk of outdated or irrelevant data.


Misconception #2:

High-quality data has no advantages

Fact: Quality matters in a big way. Tapping into high-quality AMA primary source-verified data from MMS ensures the highest level of credibility and accuracy — and eliminates the risk of outdated or irrelevant data.

Speaking of outdated data, did you know most marketing databases naturally degrade by about 22.5% every year*? This is because physicians move practices, change specialties, update their contact information, and more. To maintain campaign effectiveness, data must constantly be kept up to date with ongoing data verification processes.

MMS prioritizes data hygiene to ensure that information like specialties, practice locations and email addresses are current. Our state-of-the-art technology works full-time in real-time, every day, to update data for maximum deliverability.

*Source: https://www.hubspot.com/database-decay

Additional benefits of high-quality data

  • The ability to reach the specific physicians you need by primary specialty, current location, ties to a location, residency, or age

  • Higher engagement and a better return on your investment

The MMS advantage

MMS data makes crafting targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience possible.

  • Recruiters can reach physicians actively seeking new opportunities

  • Continuing medical education (CME) providers can present relevant programs to the right specialties

  • Hospitals can connect with physicians to drive referrals

  • Pharmaceutical companies can target their messaging to appropriate decision-makers


Misconception #3:

Compiled data and AMA data provide the same return on investment (ROI)

Fact: This statement is incorrect. In actuality, you are more likely to achieve better ROI from MMS data, which is primary source-verified AMA data, as opposed to data compiled from other sources.

Increased ROI results from the audience receiving accurate and relevant campaigns, making them more likely to engage and drive desired actions. A compiled data source cannot provide you with a deeper understanding of your physician and HCP audiences or allow you to stand out from the competition.


The MMS advantage

MMS provides nearly a century of data-related experience — the most in the industry. We put this experience to work for you and ensure our datasets are highly detailed through a continuous process of selection, collection, and verification from the nation’s leading healthcare professional associations.

The result: You can successfully identify and reach your target audience and achieve the results and ROI you want.

Contact us today to get started.